Database Drivers

Memos supports the following database types:

  • SQLite (default)
  • MySQL (Starting from version 0.16.1)
  • PostgreSQL (Starting from version 0.18.0)

Using MySQL

By default, Memos continues to use SQLite as the default database driver. To switch to MySQL, you can use the following steps:

  • --driver mysql : This argument specifies that Memos should use the mysql driver instead of the default sqlite.

  • --dsn dbuser:dbpass@tcp(dbhost)/dbname : Provides the connection details for your MySQL server.

You can start Memos with Docker using the following command:

docker run -d --name memos -p 5230:5230 -v ~/.memos/:/var/opt/memos neosmemo/memos:stable --driver mysql --dsn 'root:password@tcp(localhost)/memos_prod'

Additionally, you can set these configurations via environment variables:


Using PostgreSQL

Starting from version 0.18.0, Memos also supports PostgreSQL as a database driver. To switch to PostgreSQL, you can use the following steps:

  • --driver postgres : This argument specifies that Memos should use the postgres driver instead of the default sqlite.

  • --dsn postgresql://postgres:PASSWORD@localhost:5432/memos : Provides the connection details for your PostgreSQL server.

You can start Memos with Docker using the following command:

docker run -d --name memos -p 5230:5230 -v ~/.memos/:/var/opt/memos neosmemo/memos:stable --driver postgres --dsn 'postgresql://postgres:PASSWORD@localhost:5432/memos'

Additionally, you can set these configurations via environment variables:


Note that if the PostgreSQL server is not configured to support SSL connections you will need to add ?sslmode=disable to the DSN.

Choose the database driver that best suits your needs and configure Memos accordingly.

Docker Compose Example

The compose.yml below demonstrates the usage of Memos with a PostgreSQL database.

version: "3.0"
    image: neosmemo/memos:stable
    restart: always
      - db
      - 5230:5230
      - MEMOS_DRIVER=postgres
      - MEMOS_DSN=user=memos password=secret dbname=memosdb host=db sslmode=disable

    image: postgres:16.1
    restart: unless-stopped
      - "./database:/var/lib/postgresql/data/"
      POSTGRES_USER: memos
      POSTGRES_DB: memosdb

Migrating data between different drivers

You can do this with some scripting language, for example I used ChatGPT to help me implement a SQLite to MySQL Python script: SQLite to MySQL Migration.

Similarly, you can make a SQLite to PostgreSQL script.