20k GitHub Stars in Just 2 Years 🤩

2023/11/1 21:28:00


In early November 2023, we achieved a major milestone - Memos had reached 20,000 stars on GitHub. This achievement is a result of our continuous efforts and the support of our community. In this article, we'll look back at the journey of the past two years, dive into what led to this achievement, and see what's in store for the future.

What We've Done in Two Years

Over the past two years, Memos is more than just a note-taking service; it's an entire ecosystem designed to meet the evolving needs of its users. And it has incorporated a diverse range of enhancements:

  • Multilingual Support: Memos now supports over 20 languages, making it accessible to a diverse global audience.

  • Flexible Database Options: You have the choice between using the built-in SQLite for a single-file setup or opting for the popular MySQL, providing you with more control and versatility in managing your data.

  • Impressive Features: We've introduced a range of amazing features, including support for AWS S3 storage, Single Sign-On (SSO), and integration with Telegram Bot. These enhancements have made Memos even more powerful and advanced.

  • Simplified Note-Taking: Memos primarily focuses on plain text note-taking while also providing support for common markdown formatting for those who like to stylize their notes.

  • Enhancing Social Interaction: We've boosted the social aspect by introducing personal profiles, memo comments and RSS feeds. This allows you to share your greate ideas with others simply.

  • Robust Community: The Memos community offers a range of services, including mobile apps, browser extensions, and integration with other software applications. This enhances Memos' user-friendliness and usability.

Letting the Data Tell the Story

The statistics and data surrounding Memos serve as a compelling testament to the incredible journey this project has embarked on. They paint a vivid picture of its progress and success. These numbers aren't just figures; they are the milestones that reflect the dedication, hard work, and passion of the Memos community.

  • Over 800,000 Downloads: The Docker image of Memos has been downloaded over 800,000 times, underlining its broad popularity within the community.

  • 53 Releases in Two Years: Memos has been released 53 versions, with an impressive average release interval of just 13.77 days. This consistent improvement ensures that this project stays up-to-date.

  • Contributions from 150+ Developers: Over 150+ contributors have actively participated in the project, resulting in over 1,200+ pull requests. Memos is not just a project; it's a collective effort. contribution

  • Thriving Community of 4,000+: Memos has built a thriving community with over 4,000 members, drawing from platforms such as Telegram, Discord, GitHub, and others. This diverse community is a testament to Memos' broad appeal and active user base.

  • 20,000 GitHub Stars: Memos achieved 1,000 stars within its first year and continued its ascent to a remarkable 20,000 GitHub stars in its second year. star-history

What's Next?

As we peer into the future, Memos remains unwavering in its commitment to a set of fundamental principles that will continue to guide its journey:

  • Exploring More Possibilities in Note-taking and Social Interaction: We're excited to discover new possibilities in note-taking and social engagement. Mainly, we'll focus on enhancing the connectivity between notes and making social features more user-friendly.

  • Optimizing Functionality While Preserving Code Quality: While we work on expanding and enhancing features, our primary goal is to ensure that every line of code contributes meaningfully to the user experience.

  • Staying True to Our Roots: Memos will continue to uphold its core values, remaining permanently free and supporting private self-hosted, just as it has from the very beginning.

  • Heading to v1.0.0: Our ultimate goal is the formal release of Memos' v1.0.0, a significant milestone in its ongoing journey. We are committed to achieving this goal and will continue to work towards it. 🦦

In the End

Memos' success isn't just about the star numbers. It's proof of dedication, progress, and the impact of open source. If you haven't tried Memos yet, now's a great time. 🌟✨